Motto: "Working for a better community."
The Work Release Division is Sacramento County's alternative to incarceration or in lieu of the payment of certain traffic fines for those convicted of a criminal or traffic offense in Sacramento County.
Our Work Project and Home Detention programs allow qualified inmates to serve their criminal sentence at their own home on the electronically monitored Home Detention Program, or by participating in community service projects on Sheriff’s Work Project. The Alternative Sentencing Program allows those who are referred directly by the Traffic Court to perform community service hours in lieu of court imposed fines or criminal sentences.
Since 1979, these programs have provided a more constructive and beneficial way for low-risk offenders to serve their court-ordered commitments. Participation has typically ranged from 500-800 active inmates on Work Project and our Home Detention program averages approximately 250 enrolled inmates. The Alternative Sentencing Program, on average, has 1100 active participants.
As alternatives to incarceration, Home Detention and Sheriff’s Work Project allow inmates to maintain employment and family relationships and continue to be productive members of society. The community benefits from inmate labor provided to groups such as school and park districts, churches, civic groups, and other non-profit organizations. The County of Sacramento benefits from a reduced jail population, helping to alleviate potential jail overcrowding, as well as the reduction of associated incarceration costs.
Alternative Sentencing Program participants benefit the entire community by completing many tasks for local nonprofit and public organizations (including but not limited to) veteran’s assistance programs, homeless assistance organizations, and community food banks.
There are three primary programs at the Work Release Division:
Use the Sacramento Sheriff’s Office online system to submit a report for some types of crimes occurring in unincorporated Sacramento County and Rancho Cordova. A valid email address is required.
Report a crime at anytime with our convenient app. Click below to learn more.