Sac Sheriff


Come join the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office Pre­Employment Unit for 90-minute sessions of moderate to intense physical training modeled to help prepare potential recruits for a career in law enforcement. At each session, presentations from lead instructors and academy staff will offer helpful hints for successful completion of law enforcement academies.

Personnel from across the department will join us each week to offer their perspective on what it takes to be a member of the Sheriff’s team.

SPARTA Sessions will be posted on the Eventbrite Events Calendar located on the Recruiting page. We offer at least two sessions of SPARTA each year.

Employment Seminars

The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department is actively searching for candidates to attend the Basic Recruit Academy starting in spring 2019. The Department is also searching for outstanding individuals to fill civilian positions.

Come to one of these informative seminars to learn about the exciting opportunities available, ask questions about the selection and hiring process, learn about programs like ride-a-longs and SPARTA, and be educated on the background process. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to speak with our knowledgeable recruiters and background investigators.

Interview Preparation

The Sacramento County Sheriff's Office's Pre-Employment Division conducts a 3-hour interview seminar several times throughout the year. During the seminar, you learn tips on how to prepare and present yourself for law enforcement interviews, including participating in mock interviews. This seminar provides the opportunity to speak with our knowledgeable background investigators and to ask any questions you may have. Once scheduled, we will post the date and time for the next Interview Preparation Seminar on the Eventbrite Events Calendar located on the Recruiting page.

Next session TBD

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TDD Non-Emergency


Need To Report A Crime?

Use the Sacramento Sheriff’s Office online system to submit a report for some types of crimes occurring in unincorporated Sacramento County and Rancho Cordova. A valid email address is required.

Report a crime at anytime with our convenient app. Click below to learn more.