The Sacramento County Sheriff’s online reporting system enables citizens to submit an online report, for certain crimes, when the crime occurs in the unincorporated portions of Sacramento County and the City of Rancho Cordova jurisdictions.
Note: A valid email address is required to submit an online report.
We strongly encourage you to be thorough and accurate when submitting the report. Remember: Submitting a false report is a crime.
An officer must take the report for the following types of crime:
Bias Crimes
Burglary of business, apartment, or rental storage.
Domestic violence
Hit and run incidents (RCPD only)
Parental kidnapping
Residential burglary
Sexual assault
Stolen vehicles (RCPD only)
Terrorist threats
Theft from person
Violation of protection orders
Violent crime
Vehicle collisions (RCPD only)
Workplace or school violence
Report these incidents by calling:
Sheriff’s Office 916-874-5115 (non-emergency) – when crime occurred in unincorporated Sacramento County
Rancho Cordova Police Department 916-362-5115 (non-emergency) – within crime occurred within Rancho Cordova City Limits
These types of incident reports CAN be reported online:
Citizen information report
Disturbance between neighbors not involving criminal acts
Failure to pay for services
Identity theft
Illegal dumping
Lost property
Property theft
Telephone harassment
Theft from vehicle
Once you start the report, you will have 30 minutes to complete it. Before you begin, make sure you have all the information you need to submit the report. The program will ask you about:
Please Note: If the victim is a BUSINESS, the person completing the on-line report needs to state IN THE NARRATIVE who they are and what relation they have to the victim business. ie, Owner, Manger, Employee, etc.
Yourself - The name of the person reporting the crime (victim identity)
Incident - What happened, when and where it happened and your detailed description of the event. You can also attach pictures/images to the report in this section.
Person - Describe the suspects and witnesses (optional). If known, height, weight, build, eye color, hair color, facial hair, and perceived age, race, gender.
Vehicle - Describe the vehicle(s) involved in the incident (optional). If known, include make, model, and license plate number (full or partial)
Property - What was lost, stolen, forged, or damaged. If possible, provide make, model, and serial number of any equipment.
Once you submit the report, you will receive an email confirmation with a tracking number. Sheriff’s personnel will review the incident within approximately ten business days. An official copy of the report and case number will be delivered to your email when it is approved. Reports are reviewed and assigned to detectives for follow-up based on investigative leads, severity of the crime, investigative staffing and the District Attorney's case filing guidelines. Please contact the Centralized Investigations Division at (916) 874-5041 if you have questions regarding your report. When calling, please have your report number available. Contact your local service center for additional information regarding the report or questions about submitting a report online.
Note: If you do not receive the tracking number within 15 minutes after you submit the report, check your junk mail or spam folder. You can also add to your trusted email list.
Before filing your report online, you must answer the questions in the form below, then click submit.
You cannot submit your crime report online if you answer "yes" to any of the below questions.
If you still have questions, call 916-874-5115 or contact your local service center for additional assistance with submitting a report online.
Question | Yes | No |
Did the incident occur in the city limits of Sacramento, Citrus Heights, Elk Grove, Galt, or Folsom? Click here to find your jurisdiction. |
Did someone receive medical treatment for an injury sustained as a result of this incident? |
Did the crime involve the use or threat of a weapon (gun, knife, etc.)? |
Was any physical evidence left at the scene? |
If your crime was a theft, did someone enter your home, business, or locked garage without your permission? |
Did the crime involve the theft of a motor vehicle or license plate? |
Use this link, if a theft or burglary report has been taken and you have not submitted a list of missing property to the Sheriff’s Office. When prompted, select Have Property Info to Enter and follow the online instructions.
Use the Sacramento Sheriff’s Office online system to submit a report for some types of crimes occurring in unincorporated Sacramento County and Rancho Cordova. A valid email address is required.
Report a crime at anytime with our convenient app. Click below to learn more.