Inmate Information


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System is currently online and contains up to the minute data.

Incarcerated Persons Mail:

On November 1, 2023, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office will be transitioning to a new incarcerated person mail policy and will begin using SECURUS Digital Mail Center for processing correspondence sent through the U.S. Mail. General mail will no longer be sent directly to the Sacramento County Main Jail and/or Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center. Legal/Confidential mail will still be sent directly to the incarcerated persons at their respective housing location. For further instructions, please see the new incarcerated person Mail Instructions page by clicking here.

Incarcerated Persons Email System:

The incarcerated persons information system will now allow family members the ability to email an incarcerated person. Emails will be printed out and delivered to incarcerated persons usually the next day. incarcerated persons will not have access to a computer system to reply to emails. To access the incarcerated person's email page, look up the incarcerated person in the incarcerated persons information system and click on the "Email this incarcerated persons" link. Soliciting any business through the email system is prohibited. More information about the email system can be found HERE.

Incarcerated Persons Telephone System:

If you have questions about the incarcerated persons telephone or would like to create an account to accept calls from an incarcerated person, please contact Securus Technologies or 1-800-844-6591

Release Notification (SIRENS):

The Sheriff's Incarcerated Persons Release Elective Notification System (SIRENS) allows victims and other concerned citizens to register to be notified by email, text message or phone call when an offender's custody status changes. You sign up for notifications, search for an incarcerated person via the search links above. Once you click on the incarcerated person's custody information page, click on the SIRENS link near the bottom. Users can also register by contacting the jail at (916) 874-6752. This service allows crime victims to obtain timely and reliable information about criminal cases and the custody status of offenders 24 hours a day. For more information, please refer to the SIRENS brochure (folleto disponible en Español).

Incarcerated Persons Visitation Schedule Notifications:

Occasionally there are unforeseen circumstances that require cancellations of incarcerated persons visits without forewarning. To the best of our ability, we will provide notifications of any such changes that significantly impact visitations at either facility via the Sacramento Sheriff’s Office Twitter feed. Please follow us on Twitter @sacsheriff to receive timely notifications.

Reentry Services:

The Sacramento Sheriff’s Office Reentry Services Bureau at Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center implements an innovative approach to rehabilitation by providing evidence based vocational, educational, and treatment programs to offenders. More information about this program can be found HERE.

General Information:

Main Jail
651 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814


Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center (RCCC)
12500 Bruceville Road
Elk Grove, CA 95757


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The Sacramento Sheriff’s Office online reporting system allows citizens to submit an online report that occurs in the unincorporated Sacramento County and Rancho Cordova jurisdictions. A valid email address is required to submit an online report.

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