Sac Sheriff

Main Jail Inmate Funds


Inmates can purchase items through the commissary program with funds deposited for them in an account. Items include a selected group of foods, personal and hygiene supplies, writing materials, and some art supplies. To deposit money into an inmate account, follow the instructions on this page.

Note: Inmates on discipline can lose privileges, including the opportunity to purchase from the commissary.

To Deposit Money Into an Inmate's Account

You can deposit funds into an inmate’s account any time with cash, credit card or debit card deposits using the TouchPay Kiosk in the Main Jail lobby. You can also use TouchPay Direct by phone, online, or at a TourchPay retail location. Note: Fees are applicable for these services.

To use any of these methods, you need:

  1. Main Jail Facility Location Number: 257501
  2. Inmate’s name
  3. Inmate’s X-reference number

TouchPay Direct by Phone: 1-866-232-1899
TouchPay Direct Online:
To find TouchPay retail locations go to:

Cashier’s Checks and Money Orders payable to the inmate/detainee with their x-reference and housing location can be mailed to the address listed below under the “Correspondence” section.

DO NOT send personal checks, government issued checks, or state/federal tax refund checks. Please do not endorse the back of the money order.

All deposits for Commissary Orders must be on an individual’s Trust Account before 7:00am Sunday morning for both the Main Jail and RCCC. Times are subject to change without notice

Money Releases

There are no money releases on the weekends or on holidays.


Money orders for incarcerated persons at both facilities shall be sent directly to the Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center at the below address. Please clearly write the incarcerated person's full name and x-reference number on the money order. All envelopes must be addressed with the sender's name and address.

Return address:
Your Full Name
1234 Your Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center
Attn: IWF Office
12500 Bruceville Rd
Elk Grove, CA 95757

Only deposits will be accepted at this address. Any other items will be returned to sender. Money orders will be deposited to the incarcerated person's account within 24 hours of receipt. For questions, please email the IWF Trust Office staff at:

Inmate Release Funds

Any individual released from the Sacramento County Main Jail or the Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center, who has funds on his/her account, will be issued a NUMI MasterCard Debit Card. Released inmates not receive cash or checks upon release. Inmate transferring to other agencies will receive transfer checks in accordance with current Sheriff’s Office policy. Note: This practice may change in the future and other agencies will be notified in the event of such change.

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